2022 Drucker Prize winner Naomi Shifrin with Prof. Leora Batnitzky
Through the generosity of the Drucker family, the Program is able to offer an annual prize for the best senior thesis related to Judaic Studies (broadly defined). Before the establishment of the Program, the prize was offered under the auspices of the Committee for Jewish Studies, the Program's predecessor.
The 2022 Drucker Prize was awarded to Naomi Shifrin, Department of Sociology, for “Collective Trauma, Identity, and Healing: An Ethnography of Neo-Hasidic Jews in English-Speaking Jerusalem.”
Past Drucker Memorial Prize Recipients
Past winning thesis titles range from "Reacting to the Rabbi: How the Israeli Right Responded to Meir Kahana" in the Department of Politics, and "Jewish-Black Relations in Post-Apartheid South Africa" in the Woodrow Wilson School, to "Allegory and the Text in Rashi's Commentary on Song of Songs" in the Department of Religion, and "Bound by Enigma: the Akedah Motif from the Bible to 20th-Century Jewish Literature" in the Department of English.